The packaging of MAC lipsticks isn't really anything to write home about but it's easily recognisable as being MAC so I guess there is no reason for them to change it. I have tried all except the liptensity but that needs to change!

MAC lipsticks come in a range of finishes - matte, retro matte, satin, lustre, glaze, cremesheen, amplified, frost and liptensity - so there really is something for all tastes. I tend to buy them in Duty Free where there's a €3 saving. MAC lipsticks have crept up in price over the years and are currently priced at £16.50/ €20/ US$17 and an eye-watering $36 in Australia so whilst they are more affordable than YSL or Charlotte Tilbury, they still aren't exactly budget-friendly.

I don't have the biggest MAC lipstick collection compared to a lot of bloggers but it is the brand that I have the most lipsticks from in my collection so I thought I would share it with you today.